About the project
KIPA’s Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs of the AV Sector is a Polish nationwide project founded on the principles of mentoring, partnership and teamwork. This ground-breaking programme that connects culture and business allows for an interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge and stimulates the development of young entrepreneurs of the AV sector to give them competitive advantage. Its main purpose is a multilateral, substantive and methodical support for the participants as well as creating a centre for know-how exchange during a cycle of meetings. Each participant of the KIPA’s Accelerator can benefit from consultancy in terms of copyright, labour law, finance and management. Mentoring will encompass the fields of modern technology, innovative solutions in production, business and marketing, and promotion and distribution. During the programme the participants benefit from consulting on tax law specific to creative industries and pertaining to intellectual property.
To whom is the Project dedicated?
The Project is addressed to 20 independent entrepreneurs of no more than 40 years of age, working in creative industries (especially audio-visual sector) or natural persons entering the labour market, i.e. graduates and final year students of art schools, particularly those who plan to set up their own businesses.

Alicja Grawon-Jaksik
The President of the Board
Professional in the audio-visual industry. Currently, Managing Director of the Polish Audio-visual Producers Chamber of Commerce, the only Polish chamber of economy regrouping over 150 entrepreneurs acting within the AV sector which is also one of the biggest organisations of its kind in Europe.
In 2011-2013, she was the representative of the Polish Minister of Culture in the Committee of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union in Brussels, and in 2011-2015, the Secretary of the Court of Arbitration of the Audio-visual Market in Warsaw. She finished the training course for members of supervisory and executive boards certified by The Minister of Treasury and passed the state examination. Member of the special interest group for National Intelligent Specialisations by the Ministry of Development. Member of prestigious Council for Digitalization, which supports the activities and legal initiatives of the Ministry of Digital Affairs.
She specialises in legal and business matters involving entrepreneurs in the audio-visual sector and creative industries. She was responsible i.a. for the content and organisation of dozens of professional events including international conferences, seminars and training courses (e.g. “New Ways of Distribution, Game Story”, “Between Film and Game” 1 and 2; “Digital Challenges in Film Production”, “Law and Money – the Less Artistic Aspects of Audio-visual Production”, and the cycle of workshops “Legal Aspects of AV Production”. She co-created the first Polish “Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs of the AV Sector”, co-funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
She started her professional career as production manager of TV series, among others. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia and a doctoral student at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. She gives guest lectures in many film schools, including Wajda School and Łódź Film School.

Dana Pohl
Projects Manager at KIPA / Coordinator of the Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs of the AV Sector
Projects Manager at the KIPA. Currently, the coordinator of the Accelerator for Young Entrepreneurs of the AV Sector, the first Polish accelerator for the creative industries, co-funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
In the media industry for 15 years. Former project manager at the Polish Film Commission, the entity responsible for the promotion of the Polish film industry and Polish locations abroad. Co-organizer of national stands at film markets, co-production meetings, industry networking events. In 2008-2014 a representative of Polish office of the MEDIA program (MEDIA Desk Polska). Participant of many national and international trainings and industry events. A graduate of the Lodz Film School and the Warsaw Film School in the field of Film and Television Production.

Maciej Dydo
Director of KIPA
A graduate of the faculties of law at the University of Warsaw, finance and banking at the Warsaw School of Economics and film studies at the Jagiellonian University. For 10 years he worked in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as Director of the State Patronage Department, Deputy Director of Intellectual Property and Media and Head of the Copyright Department, where he led projects in the field of copyright, legislation, development of cultural and creative sectors (film, games video, new media, books, music and design), digitization of cultural heritage and dissemination of digital collections, financing cultural activities through financial programs, as well as the functioning of public cultural institutions in the field of film, culture and book animation. Experienced in conducting projects regarding libraries, archives and audiovisual policy. For over 5 years he was an employee of Polish Television, where he dealt with, among others, legal service of the broadcaster’s VOD platform and services for the company’s bodies. He teaches at the Warsaw Film School in the field of copyright, film and video games. Collaborator of the In Situ Foundation, where he runs projects regarding the Krzysztof Kieślowski Archives.