Polish Audiovisual Producers Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw (KIPA) is the only chamber of economy in the audiovisual sector in Poland, as well as one of the biggest independent business organisations with over 150 member entities. Among them are production companies that specialise in film, television and advertising, as well as film schools and regional film funds (RFF). Since its formation in 2000, KIPA has taken part in the development of Polish audio-visual industry. The main goal of KIPA is to represent economic interests of its members, especially before the government and the key players of the audio-visual market. The chamber facilitates the integration of producers, constitutes a platform for the exchange of experiences and cooperation, as well as delivers information about current amendments in legislation, including taxation, and about the most important events in the industry. It also provides access to legal services rendered by the best practitioners specialising in the issues pertaining to the audiovisual sector, and it shapes and popularises the principles of professional ethic. Moreover, it organises periodic trainings and workshops for professionals and promotes the work of its members.
About the project
KIPA’s “Accelerator…” is a Polish nationwide project founded on the principles of mentoring, partnership and teamwork. This ground-breaking programme that connects culture and business enables an interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge and stimulates the development of young entrepreneurs of the AV Sector in order to give them competitive advantage. Its main purpose is a multilateral, substantive and methodical support for the participants as well as creating a centre of know-how exchange during a cycle of meetings. Each participant of KIPA’s “Accelerator…” has the opportunity to benefit from consultancy in terms of copyright, labour law, finance and management. Mentoring encompasses the fields of modern technology, innovative solutions in production, business and marketing, and promotion and distribution. During the programme the participants benefit from consulting on tax law specific to creative industries and pertaining to intellectual property.
Pierwsze spotkanie Akceleratora: Specyfika własności intelektualnej
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Fotorelacja z pierwszego zjazdu Akceleratora dla młodych przedsiębiorców z sektora audiowizualnego. Pierwsze zajęcia na temat specyfiki własności intelektualnej były prowadzone przez Dyrektor KIPA Alicję Grawon-Jaksik oraz Krzysztofa Czyżewskiego z...
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